Monday, April 12, 2010

Group Assignment; Kes Pembuangan Bayi
Anak adalah harta yang paling berharga dikurniakan oleh Allah S.W.T yang tidak dapat digambarkan nilainya. Anak dikurniakan kepada pasangan suami isteri agar dididik dan diasuh menjadi anak yang soleh, tetapi tidak semua pasangan yang berkahwin dikurniakan anak. Maka sudah menjadi tanggungjawab kita sebagai ibu bapa menghargai anugerah yang diberikan.

Saban hari, banyak kes pembuangan bayi yang terpampang di dada-dada akhbar mahupun di kaca televisyen. Boleh dikatakan, hampir setiap hari terdapat kes-kes baru tentang pembuangan bayi. Apa yang lebih menyayatkan hati,bayi-bayi ini bukan hanya sekadar dibuang malah turut dibakar. Mereka seperti tidak mempunyai peri kemanusian langsung dan tergamak untuk bertindak sedemikian rupa dengan membuang bayi yang tidak berdosa tanpa ada belas kasihan.

Antara punca yang membawa kepada gejala pembuangan bayi adalah keruntuhan akhlak di kalangan remaja masa kini. Golongan remaja yang sedang meningkat usia ke alam dewasa menpunyai sifat ingin tahu dan ingin mencuba yang amat dalam, justeru pengaruh dari barat merupakan salah satu faktor utama keruntuhan akhlak remaja Malaysia. Sebagai contoh, dalam dunia hiburan yang dimonopoli oleh barat, mereka menjadikan gaya hidup sebagai inspirasi penghasilan filem, iklan dan muzik. Contohnya, cara berpakaian serta pergaulan bebas dan gaya hidup yang tiada batasan mempengaruhi anak muda. Perasaan ingin tahu mempengaruhi minda serta tingkahlaku remaja di Malaysia dan cenderong ke arah gaya hidup yang tidak sihat. Pergaulan bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan serta cara berpakaian yang mencolok mata menaikkan nafsu shahwat dan terjadinya anak-anak yang tidak beribu dan bapa.

Selain itu, ibu bapa turut memainkan peranan penting di dalam sesebuah institusi keluarga. Pada era serba moden ini , ibu bapa sibuk bekerjaya sehingga melupakan tanggungjawab kepada anak-anak. Kebanyakkan ibu bapa gemar menghantar anak-anak mereka di bawah jagaan orang lain yang membawa kepada kurangnya kasih sayang daripada ibu bapa. Di sini, bermulanya perasaan memberontak dan biadap terhadap ibu bapa dan ini membawa kepada adanya anak-anak yang terbiar. Selain itu, keruntuhan rumahtangga juga memainkan peranan penting kepada wujudnya anak-anak terbiar. Pergaulan tanpa pengawasan anak-anak terbiar ini menjadikan mereka bebas melakukan apa-apa sahaja mengikut hawa nafsu. Oleh itu, lahirnya anak-anak luar nikah dan membawa kepada pembuangan bayi secara berleluasa.

Kurang didikan agama merupakan salah satu punca lain yang membawa kepada gejala pembuangan bayi. Ibu bapa,jiran tetangga dan masyarakat memainkan peranan penting dalam mendidik anak-anak muda agar menjadi insan yang berakhlak tigggi selaras bagi melahirkan modal insan yang berguna. Kekurangan didikan agama menjadikan remaja tidak tahu membezakan antara halal dan haram serta akibat daridapa tingkahlaku tiada faedah mereka. Oleh kerana tiada ilmu di dada, maka mereka terlibat dalam kancah seks bebas tanpa mengenal dosa. Tidak cukup dengan melakukan satu dosa ditambah pula dosa membuang anak yang tidak sempat menatap wajah ibu bapanya sendiri. Apa yang lebih menyayatkan hati, anak-anak tersebut di buang tanpa rasa bersalah, belas kasihan serta sifat keperimanusiaan sebagai seorang ibu kepada anak kecil tersebut.

Bagi membendung gejala pembuangan bayi yang makin menular “ bagai cendawan yang tumbuh selepas hujan” dalam masyarakat masa kini, hukuman sedia ada harus digubal agar lebih tegas dan berat terhadap pesalahlaku jenayah ini. Hukuman sedia ada dilihat seperti belum mampu untuk menanggani masalah ini. Pesalah tidak gentar dengan hukuman yang diberikan dan tidak serik untuk mengulangi perbuatan terkutuk tersebut. Seharusnya, kerajaan melaksanakan hukuman mengikut undang-undang Islam yang lebih tegas dan berat. Undang-undang ini dilihat lebih efisyen bagi menggerunkan orang ramai untuk tidak melakukan perbuatan yang terlarang tersebut. Selain itu, kerajaan juga harus mencari mekanisme baru bagi menangani masalah ini ibarat barah yang sedang menular dalam masyarakat sekarang dengan menghantar mereka yang bersalah ini ke pusat-pusat pemulihan akhlak agar mereka bertaubat dan menginsafi diri. Di sana, mereka akan diberikan didikan agama yang secukupnya serta ilmu-ilmu berguna untuk masa hadapan. Selama ini, kerajaan hanya menitikberatkan soal pemulihan dadah yang semakin meruncing dan hanya memandang sebelah mata tentang permasalahan ini tanpa membuat sebarang tindakan. Kini, kerajaan harus memainkan peranaan dalam menanggani masalah ini agar lebih ramai bayi yang tidak berdosa dibuang.

Selain itu, kerajaan juga boleh mengenakan hukuman sebat kepada pesalah yang melakukan kesalahan pembuangan bayi. Dengan cara ini, sedikit sebanyak boleh menakutkan orang ramai untuk melakukan pembuangan anak dan tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan tersebut. Dengan hukuman berat yang dikenakan oleh kerajaan, sedikit sebanyak dapat mengurangkan kes ini dan menjadi salah satu kebiasaan cara hidup di Malaysia. Kerajaaan seharusnya bekerjasama dengan agensi-agensi lain seperti Kementrian Wanita dan Masyarakat, Jabatan Agama Islam dan pertubuhan-pertubuhan bukan kerajaan lain dan berunding dalam satu meja bulat bagi mencari hukuman yang sesuai dalam menangani masalah ini yang makin meruncing saban hari.

Kesimpulannya, semua pihak haruslah memainkan peranan yang penting dalam membendung masalah ini dan tidak mengamalkan sikap seperti enau dalam belukar melepaskan pucuk masing-masing. Isu pembuangan bayi ini bukan lagi isu remeh dan semua pihak harus memandang serius terhadap masalah ini sejajar dengan hasrat kerajaan untuk melahirkan modal insan yang berkualiti,inovasi dan kreatif bagi mencapai Wawasan 2020

Monday, April 5, 2010

Born on July 23, 1953, in Kuala Lipis Pahang and come from the family whose have blood of leadership. He is the eldest son of the late Tun Abdul Razak, the second Prime Minister of Malaysia, and a nephew of Tun Hussein Onn, our third Prime Minister of Malaysia. This make him closely related to Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Onn his own cousin. The person which I mean here is our sixth and current Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak. He previously becomes a Deputy Prime Minister since January 7, 2004 until Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had decided to retire from his position as a fifth Prime Minister at that time. On the April 3, 2009, Malaysia has a new Prime Minister when Datuk Seri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak was giving a trustworthy to lead Malaysia.

Besides that, he is a member of the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), and now he is currently the President of the party. He was first elected to the Dewan Rakyat representing the parliamentary constituency of Pekan, at the age of 23 after the death of his father. In his career, he held a varity of position in cabinets or ministerial portfolios such as Minister of Defence before being chosen as the Deputy Prime Minister by Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi .He had his first education at primary and secondary school at St. John Institution in Kuala Lumpur. Then, he furthers his study at Malvern College in England and subsequently studied at the University of Nottingham. He was first married to Tengku Puteri Zainah Tengku Eskandar but now he presently married to Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. He has three sons that are Nizar, Nazifuddin and Norashman. Besides that, he is also has two daughters that is Puteri Norlisa and Nooryana Najwa.

In his leadership, he has come out with an idea to unite all the races that are having in Malaysia. The idea is 1 Malaysia concept. I Malaysia is a concept that is introduced by our sixth Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak. The objective of this concept is to achieve national unity among its people. In other words, 1 Malaysia is a concept to foster unity in Malaysians of all races based on several important values which should become the practice of every Malaysian. 1 Malaysia is a formula which serves as a prerequisite to ensure realization of the country's aspiration to achieve developed nation status by 2020 if it is assimilated in the people and practiced by society. The tagline of this concept is “People First, Performance Now”. This tagline showed that our Prime Minister concerned to the citizen first such as citizen problem and others, while performance now means to achieve the stable economy, good of politic environments and others. The introduced of this concept make the citizen have a high trustworthy towards his leaderships. He is more stress on the national unity among races to make the bond between races stronger as well as to achieve develop nation status by year 2020. Eventhough, there are few people that against this concept. They consumed that this concept is one of the propaganda by the government to win the voters heart back, but it is depends on voters to choose which side give them more benefits.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Feel hungry? Looking for the place which provides a traditional food from all around Malaysia? Here is the place, D’ Kampung Anjung Restaurant and Catering. This restaurant was situated at Jalan Zikron C Medan Anjung, Shah Alam Selangor. This restaurant had started the business since 1st of January 2010. The business hour started from 7am until 3am. Started from 7am, this restaurant served their customer with delicious breakfast likes fried rice, fried noodle, omelet, “lontong” and others. For lunch, it provides us with variety dishes such as,”ikan patin masak tempoyak” from Pahang, “asam pedas” from Melaka, “masak lemak cilii api” from Negeri Sembilan and others. This restaurant becomes well known to the people around because it provides most of the popular food and dishes from every state in Malaysia. Nowadys, people are looking for the traditional foods that come from their hometown and with the existence of this restaurant it can make people feels like back to their hometown. The target people for this restaurant are the office workers around and the student of IPTA and IPTS. Besides that, these restaurants also open until the night. Starting from 5pm, this restaurant serves us with ala carte food. The customers just only need to order what are they want to it to the waiter and wait for the foods to serve in couple of minutes. For your information, the best and special menu at the D’Kampung Anjung Restaurant is” Mee Udang Banjir Portweld”.

The special thing about this menu is there are fifteen prawns in the noodle. The behind the name of “Mee Udang Banjir Port Weld” is because the origin place of this food is somewhere around Taiping,Perak and Port Weld is the place where this food is very famous. Many of the customers give a positive feedback towards this menu because they said that this menu was quite different from the other restaurant and the important thing is, it is very delicious. Now, the restaurant makes a promotion price with there is only RM9.90 for a bowl of the noodle with the normal price is RM 15.00.

Besides that, this restaurant also has catering services. You can make an order of catering based on the function such as wedding, birthday party, seminar and others. The price is affordable and it based on your financial too. There are 3 choices of concept that customers can choose for their function of catering. The first concept is a Malay concept. The food and dishes for Malay concept is ‘’ nasi hujan panas with ayam masak merah and daging masak hitam’’. The second concept is Chinese concept. The food and dishes that is provides for this concept is rice with ‘’ayam masak halia, pak choy’’ and others. The last concept is Indian concept. For this concept, the dishes are chicken tandoori and curry. The customers can choose whether what the best choice is for them. The environment of this restaurant is conducive and it makes many of the customers keep coming to this restaurant. The decoration of this restaurant also looks attractive with the element of traditional suitable with the name D’Kampung Anjung. This restaurant also gives to you the best services with the affordable price. This restaurant is open daily starts from 7am until 3am and welcome all of you to taste by yourself the delicious food of special menu here ‘’Mee Udang Banjir Port Weld’’ and others traditional food and dishes from all the state around Malaysia that makes you feel like being at your hometown. So, for all the food lovers, try first and I am sure you will be like the variety of menu here.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Assalamualaikum W.B.T…..

Hello my friends!! My name is Mohd Saiful Izwan B. Che Yen. I am a fast track student from UiTM Lendu, Malacca. Before this, I am study diploma in communication and media studies for 3 semesters before I decided to move in UiTM Shah Alam. My home town is in Kuala Terengganu. This is my first time to create a blog. Before this, I did not have any blog because I think I do not need a blog. Besides that, I am rarely online and the most important reasons is I do not have an enough time because once you have create a blog, you must update it everytime as you can. The reasons behind why I am create a blog because it is one part of my assignment in semester 1 degree of communication and media studies. I am totally shocked when my lecturer Miss Hamimda Agil told to us to create your own blog as your assignment in this semester. Before this, I have taken this subject that is Thinking and Writing Strategies when I studied diploma in Malacca. But when I continue my study in degree, I have to take this subject again to complete my semester. The task and assignment when I was studied in Malacca and here is totally different because of new syllabus. It is very interesting to me to create my own blog. My blog title is “Ninety nine Press “. I choose this title because I love number nine very much. Besides that, it is my first blog I create when I was in 19 years old. So that, it can remember me when I am first time be a bloggers. I am combine my blog title with press because press is more related to the media and this subject is Thinking and Writing Strategies that need us to think and write critically suit with the name press that means write. Besides that, I choose the purple colour as my background theme because from my view it is look catchy. I use white as my font text colour because it much easier to the readers to read my blog and this colour contra with the purple colour. The information that the readers can get from my blog is you can see how my writing skills, my grammar and the way I customize my blog. Readers are welcome to give any comment or critics on my blog as we can share any opinion and information through the blog. I also want to say a most welcome to all of you that becoming followers for “Ninety nine Press”. I am very enjoy to have my own blog and this is a new experience to me and I am enjoy to be a blogger right now. It is the most efficient way right now with there are no any boundaries. Everyone uses the technology in their life and with I have come out with this blog, it is much easier to me to communicate with others people as well as to share any ideas, opinions and informations. I think that all for this time. I hope that you can give me any comment about my blog whether positive or negative to make me improve my blog. That all. Thank you for reading. Wasalam…